Działoszyce: Song, Border, Body

N. Eda Erçin with Agnieszka Mendel and Ben Spatz. “Działoszyce: Song, Border, Body” (2021). Video essay work in progress. Judaica: An Embodied Laboratory for Songwork.

This is the first published Judaica project video edited by N. Eda Erçin. It premiered online on 17 March 2021 at the First International Ecoperformance Festival, organized by Taanteatro, São Paulo, Brazil.

Działoszyce: Song, Border, Body

N. Eda Erçin, Agnieszka Mendel, Ben Spatz
Turkey, Poland, United States, 2021.
17:38 min

“Działoszyce: Body, Song, Border” is a site-specific ecoperformance co-performed in rural Poland by three intercultural practitioners and an abandoned synagogue with its living and dead inhabitants (pigeons, animal remains and waste, crumbling bricks, rocks, and trash). The video reveals a laboratory session of “The Judaica Project: An Embodied Laboratory of Songwork.” Location: Działoszyce, Poland.

Performers and videographers: N. Eda Erçin, Agnieszka Mendel, Ben Spatz
Video montage: N. Eda Erçin

“Działoszyce: Song, Border, Body” (Działoszyce: Canção, Fronteira, Corpo)

N. Eda Erçin, Agnieszka Mendel, Ben Spatz
Turquia, Polônia, Estados Unidos, 2021.
17:38 min

“Działoszyce: Body, Song, Border” é uma ecoperformance ecológica site-specific performada na Polônia rural por três praticantes interculturais e uma sinagoga abandonada com seus habitantes vivos e mortos (pombos, restos de animais e resíduos, tijolos em ruínas, pedras e lixo). O vídeo apresenta uma sessão de laboratório de “The Judaica Project: An Embodied Laboratory of Songwork”. Locaçãol: Działoszyce, Polônia.

Artistas e videógrafos: N. Eda Erçin, Agnieszka Mendel, Ben Spatz
Vídeo montagem: N. Eda Erçin