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‘Massimiliano Balduzzi: research in physical training for performers’

01This essay introduces the solo physical training practice of Massimiliano Balduzzi by analyzing six newly created video documents. It has three main purposes: First, to give verbal articulation to some aspects of Balduzzi’s practice, as he begins to teach more widely in New York City and beyond. Second, to test and develop a theoretical framework that conceives of embodied technique as a field of knowledge. Third, to explore the epistemological status of multimedia documentation through a focused case study. Each of these may help to expand and clarify current discussions of actor and performer training, movement analysis and documentation, and practice-as-research.

Keywords: actor training, physical culture, practice as research, solo performance, Jerzy Grotowski, Eugenio Barba

Reference: Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 5:3, 270-290.

Photo by Txuca.