Talk at KFI Aberdeen

“Future Documents: Video Epistemology and Embodied Research”

Ben Spatz
Spring Gathering
Knowing from the Inside project (Tim Ingold)
University of Aberdeen
25 May 2017

From Marcel Mauss through Jackson Pollock to the contemporary vlogosphere, the relationship between moving image and living body has been among the most profound developments shaping the past century. In dance, theatre, and performance studies, substantial work has been done over the past two decades around the audiovisual capture of embodied knowledge and practice. Dr Ben Spatz (AHRC Leadership Fellow and Senior Lecturer in Drama, Theatre and Performance at University of Huddersield) will introduce practical approaches and epistemological considerations regarding video as a research medium. Historical and contemporary video documents will serve as a starting point for a discussion of overlaps and differences between performance-oriented and anthropological modes of embodied research.

Alfonso M. Cuadrado Mulero
from the exhibition The Unfinishing of Things
University of Aberdeen 2017


1 comment

  • […] Here is a series of videos I have been using to talk about video epistemology in relation to embodied research. I am sharing them here as they may be useful to anyone who is development scholarly video publications for the Journal of Embodied Research or any other venue. I often use these videos as the basis for my talk, “Future Documents: Video Epistemology and Embodied Research.” […]