Recent Publications

  • "Life Then Becomes Rhythm: Musicality and the borders of song." Polish Theatre Perspectives 2.2 (forthcoming).
  • "This Extraordinary Power: Authority, Submission, and Freedom and in the Actor-Director Relationship." Ecumenica 3.2 (2010): 43-61.
  • Book Review of Practice-as-Research in Performance and Screen (eds. Allegue, Jones, Kershaw and Piccini) and Mapping Landscapes for Performance as Research (eds. Riley and Hunter). Theatre Journal 62.3 (2010): 490-491.
  • Letters to an Empty Room. Self-published (2010).
  • "A Series of Openings: The Year of Grotowski in New York." Slavic and Eastern European Performance 29.3 (2009): 18-25.
  • Lane Pianta, "Changing the Space: An Interview with Ben Spatz" and "Performing the Soul: An Introduction to the Interview." New York Theatre Review, vol. 5 (2009): 45-64.
  • "To Open a Person: Song and Encounter at Gardzienice and the Workcenter." Theatre Topics 18.2 (2008): 205-222.
  • "Iphigenia in Aulis at La Mama: Microculture and Musicality in the Work of Gardzienice." Slavic and Eastern European Performance 28.2 (2008): 81-89.

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