Song Cycles

The ongoing practice of Urban Research Theater involves the development of precise, repeatable performance structures. These performances are intended to function simultaneously as an engaging event for spectators and a demanding and rewarding practice for the performer.

The Song Cycles are wordless, but have precise structures in melody, rhythm, dynamics, resonance, and articulation. Each weaves together technical elements of physical and vocal craft, in association with a dreamlike narrative that unfolds within the frame of the songs.

The Song Cycles are created for an individual human being and do not use any theatrical technologies such as lighting design, recorded sound, or musical instruments. Our focus is purely on the presence and availability of the performer. Because they do not rely on theatrical technology of any kind, the Song Cycles can be shared and worked on in virtually any setting.


A series of informal showings is planned for 2009:

Sunday, February 22
Sunday, March 29
Sunday, April 12
Sunday, April 26

All showings are at 6pm. There is no charge for attendance, but spaces are extremely limited. For more information, see the official announcement or contact: