Song Cycles

The ongoing practice of Urban Research Theater involves the development of precise, repeatable performance structures. These performances are intended to function simultaneously as an engaging event for spectators and a demanding and rewarding practice for the performer.

We are currently developing two such works, which we call Song Cycles, based on original, whole-body vibratory singing. Each is created and performed by a single person with assistance from an outside partner.

  • The First Song Cycle is based on a cycle of songs that have been developed by Ben Spatz since 2005.
  • The Second Song Cycle is based on a cycle of songs that have been developed by Michele Farbman since 2007.

Both Song Cycles are wordless, but have precise structure in melody, rhythm, dynamics, resonance, and articulation. Each weaves together movement and dreamlike narrative elements within the frame of the songs.

The Song Cycles are created for an individual human being and do not use any theatrical technologies such as lighting design, recorded sound, or musical instruments. Our focus is purely on the presence and availability of the performer.

We intend to share our Song Cycles as part of future workshops and practitioner exchanges, in addition to having open showings for other audiences. Because they do not rely on theatrical technology of any kind, the Song Cycles can be shared and worked on in almost any setting: studio, classroom, gymnasium, conference room, or even outdoors.


There will be showings of both Song Cycles at some point in 2008. To be notified, please sign sign up for our the monthly newsletter or contact: