"do people"
a little poetry

requiem for America.

Here lies America. It was big. It was really, really big. It was huge. It was beautiful. It was ugly. It was gorgeous. It was hideous. It made movies and it made war. It was stylish, it was trendy, it was pomo. It was bold and dynamic. It was a racist motherfucker, it was a mother-fucking rapist. It was a handsome man, it was a pretty woman, it was a wrestler and a cook, a neonazi, a Christian, a rabbi, it was the Empire of the sun, the land of holy Queers, it was Turtle island, the isle of the Amazons, it was cornfields and mountains and graffiti, it was Atlantis. It was full of itself and full of shit and full of the most wonderful people. It was a social democracy, it was a fascist kingdom, it was an anarchist live-in. It was schizophrenic, it was a hero with a thousand faces.

You. America was your father, cold and abusive but it put bread on the table. You. America was your mother, warm and loving, respectful of dissent but unable to understand your wild friends. You. America was your lover, you rolled in the sheets with this country until the sheets were sticky and America went out to smoke a cigarette. You. America was your executioner, you must be glad to see it dead. Here lies America, a fucking mess, a shooting star, an explosion, a parade, a concentration camp, a jam session, a party, an idea. Here lies America. What will they think of next?

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