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Urban Research Theater Newsletter - July, 2008



1) Another City: Joyful Days (August 22-24)
2) Membership Community



Urban Research Theater presents

- Joyful Days -

group singing - theater craft
individual work - urban pilgrimage

In the heat of the New York City summer,
experience another way, another city, another self.

August 22-24, 2008
New York City

Early Registration: $200
(After June 30: $250)

Limited to 8 participants.

This urban adventure session is a unique chance to rediscover your world through the techniques of Urban Research Theater. You will never experience your city or yourself the same way again.

Each full day begins at sunrise in the serene half-wilderness of Central Park's North Woods. Here we will slow down, breathe deeply, and step out of the busy rhythms of urban life as we walk, sing, and explore simple physical exercises among the trees and waterfalls. Afternoon and evening sessions will take place in and around the Chez Bushwick studio, where participants will learn to work with traditional and original songs as a basis for developing short performance fragments.

Details and participant testimony:

Questions and registration:



Urban Research Theater ultimately intends to support itself through community-based interactions rather than through ticket sales. In order to do this, we need to build a supportive membership community.

If you support the work of Urban Research Theater; if you have participated in one of our workshops or events; if you believe in our philosophy of art and practice; if you enjoy receiving our monthly newsletter... Please become a member of our community!

Supporting members donate at least $5 per month ($60 per year) to support our continuing work. Five dollars is not very much - the price of a single cheap lunch or an expensive coffee. But we consider it a serious gesture of support. And with a big enough community, this small amount can add up to a lot:

- If our community had 10 members, we would receive enough income to rent a space for one Body + Song workshop each month.

- If our community had 100 members, we would have enough money to cover all our work expenses for the year and run several week-long or even month-long events.

- If our community had 1000 members, we would be able to dedicate ourselves full-time to Urban Research Theater!

Our goal now is to build a community of 100 members. All donations to Urban Research Theater are fully tax deductible. You can also donate to us directly, if you do not require the tax deduction. Please follow the link on our website to become a supporting member of the Urban Research Theater community!


As always, comments and feedback are welcome.

Ben Spatz & Michele Farbman
Urban Research Theater
New York City